Fall into Autumn | DIY Lip Scrub

I don't know about you, but when it comes to autumn time my lips are constantly chapped. Sure, lip balm is a pretty good solution to this but it doesn't immediately remove dry skin. So, after testing out the lip scrubs in Lush the other week, I decided to recreate my very own version. The recipe is simple as can be, requiring ordinary household ingredients and taking a mere five minutes to concoct.

You will need:

1tbsp sugar
1/2tsp olive oil
a drizzle of honey 
flavouring (eg vanilla essence/orange juice) 
food colouring (optional) 


1. First add the sugar into a mixing bowl. Feel free to add extra depending on the amount you're hoping to produce. 

2. Add the olive oil to the mixing bowl and stir until combined with the sugar.  

3. Then add a slight drizzle of honey to the bowl and stir until the mixture begins to stick together. Try to avoid adding excessive amounts of honey as this will only make the mixture clumpy.

4. If you're wanting to add either a flavouring or colouring to your scrub then now's the time. I opted for a few droplets of vanilla essence and a speck of pink food colouring (which seemed to turn it a very neon shade!)

5. Finally, scoop the mixture into a clean (and sterilised) pot for storage and use as frequently as you require it!

Thank you for reading this post- I hope you enjoyed it!

Lucy x


  1. I definitely have the same problem this season. Dry fall air really gets my lips chapped and irritating, so some lip balm is a definite must. Of course, the added bonus of a delicious scrub will most definitely help. Thank you so much for sharing that! Now all I have to remember is not to lick it off my skin. Hahaha! Stay beautiful, Lucy!

    Lilia Valle @ La Fleur

    1. Thank you so much! Glad it's helped you! X


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