Wow, long time no speak. Somehow almost two months have flown past without me having pressed publish on a post and I'll admit that I feel pretty miserable about it. I absolutely adore blogging, and for someone with very few other hobbies, I feel as though it's such a wonderful outlet with infinite opportunities and has really given me something to focus my energy on. Two months ago, I published a post expressing my desire to post more frequently during my time off over the summer, yet somehow we're moving steadily on into September and my blog has been left completely untouched. Truth is, I've continued to suffer with bloggers block (pretty sure I'm cursed with it!!) and my motivation has proceeded to dwindle as a result of this.
Now it's September already and I'm back to school in less than a week so will be left with even smaller time slots to try and fit in blogging, but I'm hoping that I can try and pick up the pace a little and get back to publishing posts on a weekly basis.
Once again, I apologise greatly for my absence these last few months. I truly have missed blogging and am really eager to get back to posting in the (hopefully) very near future! Until then, I hope you're all well and, with some luck (and lots of motivation), I will speak to you in my next post!
Lucy x
Hello! If you want, we can to follow each other on bloglovin! Just follow me here and I'll follow you back! ♥